Try Lyon free for 30 days, no credit card required. Plan starts at P3000 per month. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Lyon and to our Privacy Policy.
Flexible with how you do business. Whether you’re a school, training center, or an individual educator, Lyon has you covered. Automate your process from onboarding, payment, content creation, to distributing certificates.
Design a learning experience that’s fun, engaging, and rewarding for your students. Easily create quizzes, upload videos, schedule live sessions with self-paced materials, and manage your content with Lyon’s course builder.
Monetize your courses with our localized payment channels and automated payment verification—we take no cuts from your sales.
Already have students? Send them direct email invites, access codes, or discount codes.
20+ payment channels
Automated and powerful student management capabilities. Get a detailed view of how your students progress through the courses you designed. Customize and distribute certificates with one click.